If you suffer from cold feet, the winter months can prove very trying. Most people think that it is down to poor circulation - but this is not always the case.
There are several potential causes of cold feet.
Certain medications have the side effect of making the extremities cooler. Beta-blockers (with names ending in -olol such as Atenolol or Bisoprolol) are given to treat a number of heart conditions, including angina or atrial fibrillation. They are also sometimes given to control symptoms of anxiety. A common side effect is cold feet!
Some health conditions, such as hypothyroidism (an under-active thyroid gland), can also have the effect of slowing circulation, and as the feet are the furthest body part from the heart, they are the ones feeling the cold!
Some people suffer from a condition called Raynaud's phenomenon, which is an abnormal response of the tiny blood vessels responsible for the circulation of blood to the fingers and toes. Sudden changes in temperature, such as a trip down the freezer aisle in the supermarket or going from a warm room to a cool one, can trigger this, resulting in one or more white, numb toes. When blood flow returns, they can become itchy and bright red.
Smoking is also a culprit - causing the tiny blood vessels to constrict and blood flow to fingers and toes to slow down.
Peripheral arterial disease is the more technical name for what we often call "poor circulation" and tends to affect people over 50. It affects the legs and feet, and an early sign may be cold feet. More seriously, pain in the calves or feet may be felt walking a short distance, or you may experience pain in your feet, waking you at night. If you do experience these symptoms, you should get them checked as a matter of urgency, as you may require specialist medical care.
Although the causes of cold feet can be complex, there are some simple things which may provide relief of symptoms.
Wearing suitable socks: if your socks leave an indentation when you take them off, they will be reducing the blood flow to your feet. Switch to a Gentle Grip cuff instead.
Some people find wearing two thin pairs insulates better than one thick one. Popular choices for extra warmth are merino wool and "silver socks" - advocated by the Raynaud's Association.
Heat Holders are another type of sock with super thermal properties. They are great for wearing round the house or for wearing with wellies.
Plastazote is the material used for insulating our water supply to prevent burst pipes and is available in sheet form from the clinic. We can supply you with a pair of shoe liners for that extra layer of insulation between our feet and the cold ground.
Gehwol's Red Warming Balm for Cold Feet is a lovely product with ingredients including pepper and ginger to stimulate the circulation,
And Akilene Akilwinter cream is perfect for people prone to chilblains. It provides a protective barrier and can be used on faces and hands as well as feet.
Finally, keep moving! Sitting for any length of time isn’t great for the circulation, so get up from your desk every 30 minutes and run up and down stairs, or when watching TV, make an effort to get up during ad breaks or at the end of every programme.
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Company Number: 14279249