The Complete Guide to Verruca Treatments in Kenilworth: Advanced Solutions at Kenilworth Footcare

Discover effective verruca treatments in Kenilworth at our specialist podiatry clinic. From SWIFT microwave therapy to K-Laser, learn about proven solutions from HCPC-registered podiatrists. Book your... ...more


March 05, 20252 min read

The Complete Guide to Verruca Treatments in Kenilworth: Advanced Solutions at Kenilworth Footcare

Keeping your feet healthy this springtime.

7 Top Tips To Healthy Soles ...more


January 16, 20251 min read

Keeping your feet healthy this springtime.

Keeping your toenails healthy

We might feel undressed without nail polish on, but it doesn't do our nails much good. Read on to see why and what can be done about it. ...more


January 16, 20252 min read

Keeping your toenails healthy

Why you should choose a Podiatrist, not a Pedicurist, this summer.

What are the benefits of choosing a Podiatrist or Foot Health Practitioner over a pedicurist? ...more

Foot Health ,Podiatry &Pedicure

January 16, 20252 min read

Why you should choose a Podiatrist, not a Pedicurist, this summer.

New School shoes - the most essential piece of uniform to get right!

Why the right shoes are so important for growing feet ...more

Children's feet ,podopaediatrics

January 16, 20251 min read

New School shoes - the most essential piece of uniform to get right!

Fungal Nail Infections

What are fungal nail infections and what can be done about them? ...more

Fungal Nail

January 16, 20252 min read

Fungal Nail Infections

Our July Newsletter

Catch up with our news from July ...more


January 16, 20250 min read

Our July Newsletter

September's Newsletter

Read all our latest news... ...more


January 16, 20250 min read

September's Newsletter

Menopause and the Feet

We know menopause can cause many changes in a woman's body, but did you know the feet can also be affected? Read more ...more

Bone density ,Conditions Menopause Osteoarthritis Osteoporosis Dry skin &Aching joints

January 16, 20252 min read

Menopause and the Feet

October newsletter

Read all our latest news... ...more


January 16, 20250 min read

October newsletter

Diabetic Footscan - A Step in the Right Direction

Steps you can take now to help prevent diabetic complications in the future ...more

Diabetes ,Gait and Motion Footscanner Footscan Falls prevention &Ulcer prevention

January 16, 20252 min read

Diabetic Footscan - A Step in the Right Direction

Physiotherapy and Podiatry - How do they Compliment Each Other?

An introduction to Merryn, our Physiotherapist ...more


January 16, 20252 min read

Physiotherapy and Podiatry - How do they Compliment Each Other?


Welcome to our blog.

Here you will find all the news and updates about Kenilworth Footcare, together with useful information about the conditions we treat and the services we provide.

When was the last time you had your feet measured??


The Agony of an Ingrown Toenail


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© Kenilworth Footcare Limited 2023

Company Number: 14279249