Menopause and the Feet

We know menopause can cause many changes in a woman's body, but did you know the feet can also be affected? Read more ...more

Bone density ,Conditions Menopause Osteoarthritis Osteoporosis Dry skin &Aching joints

January 16, 20252 min read

Menopause and the Feet

The lesser known link between smoking and poor foot health

Have you ever wondered why we ask about your smoking habits on our 'Bakground Medical Information' form? We're not just being nosy! Smoking can SERIOUSLY affect the health of you feet. ...more

Foot Health ,Bone density Peripheral Arterial Disease smoking Stay active PAD &Foot infections

January 16, 20253 min read

The lesser known link between smoking and poor foot health
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When was the last time you had your feet measured??


The Agony of an Ingrown Toenail


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© Kenilworth Footcare Limited 2023

Company Number: 14279249